Rhodes Family Tree  -  Rudolph Renfandt
Caroline Peters
Friedrich and Anna Peters

All are ancestors of Rudolph and Caroline (Peters) Renfandt.
Rudolph and Caroline were married in Canton, Ohio on Oct 28, 1893
(Note: Stark County records show Pauline Peters vs Caroline)

For more information on the Peters Family, click here!

Rudolph  G. (J)  Renfandt
Born: 10 Sep 1862
Married: 28 Oct 1893
Died: 7 Jun 1946

Father:Friedrich A Peters
Mother: Anna Preus


Caroline(Lena) W. Peters
Born: 22 May 1874
Died: 14 Jul 1966


  Name Born Died Married
1 Lena Renfandt 10 Apr 1894 > 1920  Philip Jacob Hellman 
2 Rudolph Ernest Renfandt 24 Dec 1895 25 Apr 1968  Christina Ruth Faul
3 Edward Karl Renfandt 25 Nov 1897 3 Nov 1984  Freda R Bick
4 Ella Renfandt 8 Dec 1899 20 Jul 1968 ?
25 Jun 1986 ?
Peter Bechtold 1916
Darrel John Hague
5 Herman Renfandt 1903 5 Aug 1930   
6 Lucile H Renfandt 7 Jun 1905 9 Sep 1984  Lloyd Oscar Austin
7 Clara I. Renfandt 1907 1998  Andrew Jackson Martindale 
8 Amy Ruth Renfandt 6 Aug 1911 11 Dec 1957  Herbert A Pietz
9 Fred W. Renfandt 30 Sep 1913 24 Dec 1978  Lucille Schmitcke 
10 Otto Oscar "Hap" Renfandt 12 Nov 1916 13 Jul 2005  Yvonne Marie Boucher 
Rudolph and his wife Caroline (Peters?) emigrated to Canton from Germany around 1890.

It appears that Friedrich A Peters and wife Anna Preuss emigrated at the same time as Helena and Caroline.
I believe Caroline to be the daughter of Friedrich. Friedrich is the brother of Helena.
Rudolph and Caroline were married in Canton, Ohio on Oct 28, 1893
They moved to North Dakota around 1905. 
Rudolph was either Herman's brother or nephew.
 Note:  Both Herman's wife Helena and Rudolph's wife Caroline were born PETERS. They are  Aunt/Niece.

Click Here for Rudolph and Caroline's Ship Immigration Records

The photos below are believed to be of Rudolph and Caroline.  The first photo is from a group of family photos found in the U.S.
The second photo was sent to me from our Renfandt family in Germany.

These photos are believed to be of Rudolph and Caroline
Rudolph Renfandt Birth - 1895 - Stark County Birth Records
Caroline Peters Birth 1874
Höntrop, Bochum, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Baltimore, Maryland, Passenger List Card Index- 1890
Rudolph Passenger List - 1890
Rudolph's Naturalization Papers

Anna Preuss Birth/Baptism, 1847


Sheridan county, ND, Bureau of Land Management Records

The North Dakota Land Patents Database contains the following information for each land transaction: date, location
(township, range, section, meridian), name of person the land was patented to, case type, conveyance type, county,
and the patent document identification number. 

Key to Case Types
250000 Disposition: Use and Occupancy
        251000- Homestead

----          --------  ---    -----  ------- ------- ----  -------- -----   ----
RENFANDT RUDOLF    05     150 N     076 W     028      80        251101       PA        13501   12/09/1907
RENFANDT RUDOLF    05     150 N     076 W     033      80        251101       PA        13501   12/09/1907