Maternal Great Great Great Grandparents [F-5mfff]



1st Heinrich Renfandt
Married: ~1805


Eleanora Gehrman

Born: 1782
Died: 1853 


2nd Johann Kriesel
Married: 28 Apr 1832 

Eleanora Gehrman first married Heinrich Renfandt, then married Johann Kriesel

Child's Name (See below for record)




C1 Anna Maria Renfandt 1805   Jacob Fiebrandt >>>
C2 Johann Friedrich Renfandt 1807   Johanna Carolina (Hildebrandt) Kern
C3 Friedrich Wilhelm ? Renfandt 1808      
C4 Carl Gotlieb Renfand 1809
Fishau, Prussia
C5 Helena Eleanora Renfandt 1811      
C6 Heinrich Lebrecht Renfandt 1814   Catherina Wilhelmina Federau/
Caroline Grimm
C7 Cornelius Ernst Renfandt 1816   Wilhelmina Froese Next >>
C8 Gottfreid Renfandt 1818      
C9 Caroline Wilhelmina Renfandt 1820   ~1850
Johan Gotfried Fackel
in Schlabland
C10 Christine Regina Charlotte Renfandt 1820      
C11 Unknown Renfandt 1822      
C12 Unknown Renfandt 1824      
C13 Absolom Ludwig Renfandt 1828      

Baptism Record 1805 - Anna Maria Renfandt - Fichthorst Parish Records
Note different first name of mother, but same last....

Baptism Record 1807 - ? Renfandt - Fichthorst Parish Records

Baptism Record 1808 - Friedrich Wilhelm ? Renfandt - Fichthorst Parish Records

Baptism record for Carl Gotlieb Renfand, 1809, Fishau, Prussia

Baptism Record 1811 - Helena Eleanora Renfandt - Fichthorst Parish Records

Baptism Record 1816 - Heinrich Lebrecht Renfandt - Fichthorst Parish Records

Baptism Record 1816 - Cornelius Ernst Renfandt - Fichthorst Parish Records

Baptism Record 1818 - Gottfreid Renfandt - Fichthorst Parish Records

Baptism Record 1820 - Caroline and Christine Renfandt - Fichthorst Parish Records

Baptism Record 1828 - Absolom Ludwig Renfandt - Fichthorst Parish Records

Death Record 1853 - Eleanore Gehrman Age 71 Thiensdorf and Neuheide Records

Marriage Record 1840 - Cornelius Renfandt - Wilhelmina Froese - Thiensdorf Parish Records

Eleanora (Gehrmann) Renfandt - second Marriage - 1832

Johann Friedrich Renfandt - Marriage - 1837

UnNamed Renfandt - 1822

UnNamed Renfandt - 1824